Intro to Bloodtrailing Workshop
Our Introduction to Bloodtrailing Workshop is aimed at working teams that are interested in developing the skills needed for recovering wounded deer and other wild game. Each hunting season, hunters will inevitably loose the trail of some of the deer they shot. Recovery at that point becomes impossible unless they reach out to a bloodtrailing team who steps in to help in tracking down, putting the animal out of its misery if necessary, and allowing the hunter to make good use of the meat for his or her family.
Having a dog that is trained in bloodtrailing will allow you to assist the hunters in your family as well as your hunting friends and neighbors. This is a great activity that you and your dog can enjoy each hunting season while assisting your community, making sure that wounded animals don't suffer needlessly and their meat doesn't go to waste.
The workshop will be divided in two parts. Working teams and auditors will participate in a short presentation of some of the subjects listed below followed by lots of hands-on training where working teams will have the chance to introduce their dogs to odor as well as working some mock trails with their dogs. This workshop will help you develop the skills necessary for continuing training at home and becoming a successful tracking team. Auditors will be encouraged to observe and ask questions.
Come train with us and get ready to find some deer!
Workshop Summary
Understanding bloodtrailing laws and regulations in your state
Equipment and safety measures
Introducing your dog to odor
(Blood, deer hide and interdigital gland)
Drive building
Building neutrality to livestock
Long line handling skills
Understanding the dog's body language
Shot site evaluation
Introducing your dog to the track
Working a successful track
Understanding rewards
Training your dog to become a successful tracker
​Join us for a dynamic training experience with lots of engaging tracks and get ready to hit the woods next hunting season with your dog!
To book this workshop please contact Atlas Sport Dogs:
870-373 3976